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Monday, December 8, 2008

My baby boy is 14 today... 14. That's pretty old for the baby, don't ya think? I look back at pictures I have around the house, and it's almost surreal... like were they ever that little? Sometimes it seems sooo long ago, and other times it seems like just yesterday. What an adorable little guy he was... so full of it... we never ceased to be entertained by the things he would say. Now don't get me wrong... he is still adorable, but in a BIG clumsy teenage boy sort a way. His voice is in the process of changing... and he now uses a razor. Yep. One of his proudest moments was when he realized he was taller than I. It seemed to have happened over night. He used to compare heights constantly. I would always say, "Not yet, bud." Then one day, not only was he taller, but by several inches... literally overnight. That's how it seems to happen. So for you young moms out there... enjoy every precious minute with your babies... cause one day they're going to be taller than you. Happy Birthday Colton...


Martins said...

OH MY HECK!!!! I knew he was growing up... but FOURTEEN!!?? What the heck happened????????

Unknown said...

He did change over night. Okay, maybe I didn't see him for like a week or two but all of a sudden he was really tall and older.

Heather D said...

How on earth can your BABY be 14? You just had him, I remember vividly being sent home from the hospital and going back the next day to deliver him. How the heck does that happen? Are we in a time warp or something!! Happy Birthday my little (big now) buddy!!! I love ya tons bugaboo!
P.S. Joey, what would Ty like/need for Christmas?