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Friday, December 12, 2008

I want to go back in time...

but just for a visit every now and again… Look at the excitement on those babies faces… they are precious. It seems like only yesterday that they were that small… and innocent. Those babies are now much bigger… and smarter… and not so much in awe and wonder of this magical season. The oldest is now 21, and the youngest was 14 a few days ago. I’m not saying that I would go back in time indefinitely. I wouldn’t. I love the time in life that I am in right now. For everything there is a season. Having older kids has it’s perks. I have a lot more freedom now. We have a lot of fun together. They do their own laundry. But every once in awhile I have a brief longing for days gone by…to see those precious babies again…


mommyshan said...

Thank goodness for pictures! I'd love to see them all on Santa's lap as big kids! Double dog dare ya to do it!!!!

Heather D said...

Ok, I literally started crying looking at your blog. Not big tears, but little glistening ones. I was the one with them when they had that picture taken and I guess I miss those days when they used to come stay with me and mom and they were all ours for a couple of days. We loved to spoil those sweet little kids!!

Shalleece said...

Just wait until you have grand babies! I wouldn't know myself, but I hear they are a lot more fun! Just kidding. I sometimes want to go back in time and be able to sit on my mommy's lap again. Sad days..

Unknown said...

What a great picture girls grow up so fat, I need to make sure to treasure the small moments.