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Monday, November 17, 2008

I have won a MAJOR award!!!

See it??? Right here on the left? Isn't it beautiful??? I am sooo excited... imagine, me... winning such a prestigious award! Ok... it is possible that I am making a bigger deal over this than I should be... but I am pretty thanks Christine... you made my day! (go check out her blog... she is one of of my favorite new blogging buddies).

So here's the scoop on the bestowing of this grand award business...

The qualifications to receive the award are:
A. Display a cheerful attitude.
B. Love one another.
C. Make mistakes.
D. Learn from others.
E. Be a positive contributor to the blog world.
F. Love life.
G. Love kids.

The Rules:

1. Must link it back to the creator.
2. Post the rules.
3. Choose 5 people to give it to.
4. Recipients must fill the characteristics above.
5. Create a post to share this.
6. You must thank the winner.

So here's the hard part... choosing 5 blogs to bestow this amazing honor on... and the winners are:
1. What is done in love, is done well
2. On the verge
3. From Melissa's desk
4. Cinnamon, Spice, and everything nice
5. The Junk Drawer
Check them out... good stuff I tell's ya...


Unknown said...

Joey you rock! Thank you so much for this awesome award!!!!

Unknown said...

Cool!!! Thanks, Joey!! You're great!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the award! And, yeah, the frog is both cute and creepy. Love it!

Reeni said...

Congrats on your award! You deserve it. Your awesome too! Thanks for passing it on to me, your so sweet!

Unknown said...

Wow, That is a nice reward...Lol. You earned it!