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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ok, so I have been insanely busy....I am so embarrassed by the time lapse between blogs... and I got to be honest with ya... the only reason I am blogging now is because my good friend Heather has called me out on her blog. Yep, I have been tagged (like a week ago), so here goes...
3 joys-
snuggling up with a good book
listening to really good music(and maybe dancing, and singing in the mirror)
spending time with
Sarandon and Dantley (ok, and Heather...and maybe Kerry ;)

3 fears-
not being a good mother
falling down and breaking my two front teeth (true phobia...stop laughing)
I used to be VERY afraid of moths... but I kicked that phobia....

3 current goals-
having no debt
finishing landscaping the yard (almost there)
losing those obstinate 20 (really 30) pounds

3 current obsessions(collections/preoccupations)-
my new job...
and still working my old job, so I am basically just trying to find time to sleep.... ;)
working out on my new
elliptical trainer
keeping the hundreds of flower beds in the yard weed free....

3 random surprising facts about me-
I was put in the boys gym class not once, but twice... (Joey.. go figure...)
I had a warrant out for my arrest for failing to register with the selective service... (again the Joey thing..)
Deep down I am very, very shy (true story)

Anyway, there ya go Miss Heather Pawk....tag answered baby... so I tag Suzette and Shan...tag you're it... Joey

1 comment:

mommyshan said...

Boys gym class, and a warrent. Who wouldv'e thunk it! And thanks for the tag... mmmm...