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Monday, April 28, 2008

JR. PROM 2008!!!

Well here we go again...another Prom for Joshie... I couldn't get Tyson to go, but Josher thinks he needs to go twice... figures... anyway, we (yep we, he invited Ed and I along again this year..) had a fabulous, but very tiring day. So the day goes like this:
Ed and I acted as chauffers again this year...I guess we passed the cool test once again...quite an accomplishment on our part ... anyway, we took the kids in to Boondocks in Draper, where they played mini golf, lazer tag, and rode go carts. After a wonderful lunch at Arctic Circle, we headed home to get ready for the big night. At 6:30 we picked up Mikal (Josh's date).
This is a picture of Mikal coming down her staircase...her mother and I made her do it twice, because she ca
me down too fast the first time...thanks Mikal, for humoring us. ;)

I think one of my favorite parts of the night was watching Josh give Mikal's 3 year old niece Kamree her very own corsage. Kamree had been sooo excited for prom. Had her own dress and everything. Every time Josh would go to Mikal's, she would have to show him her prom he decided it would be fun to give her flowers too. I have to say I was quite impressed that he thought of this idea all on his own... a proud mama moment...he's quite the charmer. Kamree is usually quite a talker, but she was sooo shy about the whole thing. It was adorable.

We took the two couples in to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building for a very nice dinner over looking temple square...then they wandered around temple square for a while. Mikal says she felt like a princess from "Enchanted". She looked like one, too. Ed and I had a great dinner at Charlie Chow's. Some of the best chinese I have had for a very long time. We then took the group up to the state capitol for the prom. We stayed just long enough to see the juniors promenade...this is a special ballroom dance only the juniors do for the parents. It is a pretty neat tradition here at Tooele High School. Porshae (one of my young women) was crowned Duchess in the prom royalty. This is like being 2nd attendant. Pretty exciting. Way to go, Miss Porshae! Ed and I disappeared, as all good chauffers do, and went to Squirrel Brothers for some ice cream. After the prom, we carted everyone home to our house for some late night video watching....everyone had a great time, but I am pooped. Josh got to sleep in the next morning....but Ed had to have the rental (chrysler Aspen, very nice...we put the very first mile on it) back in salt lake the next morning, and I had a special morning fireside for Relief Society. Janice Kapp Perry was the guest speaker...she was worth getting up for...what an amazing woman. was a pretty fun week. I will post next week and let you know how FLOOR SEATS to Trace Adkins worked out for me! ;)


angie clayson said...

I have the hottest little nephew! He's so cute.. and so....OLD! I can't believe it! Thanks for the pictures!

Heather D said...

What a blast! That's fun that Josh wanted you guys to be there. I'm not surprised! I tried calling Joshie today to sing to him, but I guess he's gone. Tell him happy 18th for me! Love you Joshie!!!
Rah Rah

mommyshan said...

We joke around with Jason about double dating... he thinks we are crazy.... must not be "cool". Maybe you can give me some pointers?