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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wow! I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since my last entry...lazy, lazy, lazy. Sorry;(. The past few weeks have been busy. We took the 4-wheelers out over conference weekend and went camping...ok, I didn't technically go camping...I slept in my own bed every night....but Ed, Jordy, and Colton camped. That's what happens when you camp 40 minutes from home I guess... king size feather bed all to myself, and a nice warm jetted tub, or a trailer with a bunch of camp fire stinky people...anyway, I made my choice!
I really enjoyed watching conference. I always look forward to it. I got this love from my mother. I always feel her with me while I watch. We took the satellite dish with us, and watched the sessions in the trailer. This was kinda fun. I did stay home sunday, and watched curled up in my bed, in a very quiet house. Mmmmmm, it was awesome. Anyway, what a thrill it was to participate in the solemn assembly. President Monson is truly a prophet. What a blessing it is to have this personal confirmation by the Holy Spirit. We are truly blessed.
Last week Ed and I spent 4 days in St. George. What perfect weather! We left Wednesday afternoon. Ed had a conference on Thursday, so I spent the afternoon with Sharee (she lives there) shopping and lunching. I had breakfast every morning at the poolside... did I mention perfect weather? Anyway, Ed and I shopped Friday until we couldn't fit one more thing in the car. It was a very welcome break from the cold weather. We did our best to bring some sunshine home with us...lasted a good two days I think, and then yep, more least it doesn't stick around this time of year. Anyway, we are all doing well...Tyson is having a fabulous time in Texas. He had 2 more baptisms last week. He did have a knife pulled on him by a drunk man, but he swears it was nothing for his mom to panic about...or his Grandma Olive. We both gave him a good talking to about staying out of trouble...but I am sure he wasn't listening to either one of us....
I hope all is well with everyone.... Joey


Anonymous said...

Fun to hear what the Claysons are doing. What a fun life you have.
Love, "Aunt" Pam

Anonymous said...

Nuthin' better than goin' to church in your jammies! My kids are still to young to understand the thrill of that sentiment!! I'm just glad the have the BYU channel or I would have to go to church or watch it on the computer--and I would look silly at church in my P.J.'s!

Have a great week!

mommyshan said...

It's great to see you're alive!!! I think I could've missed the part of Tyson and the knife... I guess this is a faith building experience for the mom. I can't wait... ha ha. (:

Martin Family said...

I like the way you camp!!!!