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Monday, January 7, 2008

Well, not alot to report this week.... we did have a horrible wind storm friday night that caused some damage in the yard. Not to the house...thank heaven's, but with things like the barbeque grill blown off the deck, patio table damage(repairable), and the saddest of all....the BYU flagpole is down.......leveled......dead. This is very sad news..... we had one man in our ward ask Ed..."so when a BYU flag touches the ground, do you have to burn it? And if so, can I be a part of that?"...Thanks Rob, way to kick a man when he's down.... ;) Anyway, not much else has gone on this week.... I am posting part of Tyson's email from last week..... Joey

christmas was very good but a little differerent. i like to consider myself pretty tough, and i dont get homesick.. but i couldnt help but think about home and going to grandmas and seeing the cousins and everything,. but i never got homesick or sad. i love it out here so much. i really feel like if i wasnt here, i would hate myself, i would just have an emptiness for the rest of my life. i love working with the ppl here so much. especially the spanish culture. they are awesome. we had some killer french toast for breakfast on christmas and some good food with other members for dinner. wayyyy to much food hah! im shocked im not fat. i finally got your package. ha, thanks, i like the scripture case alot. its perfect. it looks really nice. and the food is all good, and yeah, the other guys in the apartment thought it was a tad odd that i got baby food, but i was pretty exited for it. ha, so they just laughed. we as missionaries were taken care of for christmas. 2 reasons i think, there are alot of parents with boys on missions, and we are partially in an english ward... so they know how to do christmas and they have money. i did have a question about the cd you sent me though... haha. im not exactly sure what to think about it,. cause yeah, its pretty country, and also its all about women and love and junk like that,. but the elders in the apartment and i were laughing pretty good at it.. but im not sure if that was the intent or not. anyways, as far as the official rule go's for the mission on music.. its pretty vague, it just has to bring and spirit and be appropriate. which leaves a wide range of music. but anything like himns of course is ok. but also stuff like the tribute to the prophet and even stuff like the best 2 yrs soundtrack. (both of which i have)the work here is picking up. we are really working hard. we just finished our 100% week. i think i told you about that. I called it Heaven week, like "hell week" in high school football, where we just wear ourselves out. and it helped alot. the rest of the missionaries followed it well and we are seeing alot of lessons taught. for us in particular, we usually have anywhere between 1 and 3 new investigators each week, and we had 8. thats a great jump. i could say i would like to keep it up there, keep this pace of working hard and such, but i want more. i know we can do more and work harder. i want to see more baptisms here. the average here is low, i want to change that, and i know with hard work and obedience, along with working more with the members, we can change that.we are currentyl teaching about 23 to 29 lessons(good lessons with good ppl), which leads lessons taught per week in the mission, or atleast its high. i love it down here. come feb i will hit the yr mark. weird. i dont want to be on the down hill, once that happens the time is going to speed up.. i dont want that. well, i guess i wrote enough, thanks for everything,. go cougs!! i will be sending home a memory card within the next few weeks. enjoylove ya!


Pegmeister said...

Hi Sweetie,

I didn't know you had a blog. I love it! I love seeing all the pictures and love hearing what's going on with the family.

Pegmeister said...

I was hoping to see you at our Christmas party, but Heather said you and Ed were going to the game. I don't blame you, I'm sure that was fun. Our party was really fun too, except I couldn't hear. If I eat foods I'm allergic to I go deaf. I wasn't deaf that night except that I am always deaf to an extent. I wear a hearing aid in my left ear because the allergies have caused permanent damage and I hear 80 decibels below. I can't ever hear well when a lot of talking is going on and there was a lot of talking going on.

Pegmeister said...

I sent you a Christmas card but after we got back from Utah your card was sent back to us because like a dummy I had put your old address on it. Dummy! I loved your Christmas card with all the pictures. We got yours and lots of others after we got home. It was fun having Christmas here after having Christmas there. We still had all our decorations and tree up that we had to get down. We're just getting our home back to normal and we've been home four days.

Pegmeister said...

I really enjoyed reading Tyson's letter. I forget where he's serving. Love, Aunt Peggy