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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Part of Tyson's email from 11/06/07

things are good here, we have another baptism coming up. its exiting. susana. a single mom, whose husband kinda left here and now he got deported. she has 3 kids, all way cute. the date is the 18th. she has come along way. my bday lands on the 21st, which just happens to be the date that i could be transferred, so in my interviwes with pres, i told him that if i get moved, to move me somewhere nice.. ha. he luaghed and said he could do that. hes a good guy, i like him alot. and at the temple i saw E. Tall again for the fist time in about 7 months,>>> it was so crazy exiting. we were both yelling and huging and stuff. it was awesome, i love that kid.also, every transfer the mission sends out a news letter thing. it has a letter from pres. some pics and quotes from the mission, pics of the new missionareies and the ones leaving, then on the back, its got names of ppl that baptized, and who got baptized, my name was there(again), and this time there was a little extra box, that said" Congratulations to the missionaries who have baptized each of the last 3 transfers." then it had a list of 8 missionaries, (about 150 in the mission) ,..and i was one of them. it was prety sweet.

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