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Monday, October 15, 2007

Ok, I am really new at the blogging stuff, and have no idea what I am doing. I figured this would be a really good way to keep everybody up to date on what the family is doing, and how Tyson is doing on his mission in Houston.

Ed is still working at the Salt Lake City International Airport as the Facilities Maintenence Superintendant. Does he like it? Depends on which day you are asking...
Ed was called to be bishop of our ward in July. This has been a very challenging assignment. Does he like it? Dosen't matter which day you are asking....the answer will most likely be no.

I am still working as a chiropractic insurance biller for Tooele Valley Spine Center. I love my job! I work with great people, and I get to set my on hours....come and go when I please. Can't get any better than that.
I have recently been released as Young Women's President with the call of the new bishop. Apparantly Bishops and Presidents can't be married. Something about to much stress on the family. Well, I am now Enrichment Leader, and I got to tell stress level has most definately increased!!! I would take those young women back any old day....

Josh is a senior this year at Tooele High School. He is a great student, and is enrolled in concurrent college classes. He is a great kid, with a funny sense of humor....
He plans to attend Utah Valley University next fall, and live with Steve (and maybe Grandma, if that is where Steve is at the time). Josh is working for Macey's grocery. He is a stalker. Wait, I mean stocker....of the dairy department. He likes his job most of the time. Josh loves to play basketball, and is very good. Unfortunately, Josh is a real little bugger about having his picture taken, so I am going to have to search for something to post.

Jordyn is a freshman this year at Tooele High School. Jordyn is also a great student. She plays the violin in orchestra, and is very talented. She was invited to join the Chamber Strings, which is quite an honor for a freshman, but turned it down, not wanting the early morning practice...she is truly my daughter. She says maybe next year...we'll see. Jordyn loves to play soccer, and is on a rec league. She also loves to play basketball. She is a very active, social thing. There is always something going on in her world.

Colton is in the 7th grade at Tooele Junior High School this year, making me feel sort of old, but it is also very liberating! Colton is a great student, with an almost brilliant mind.....if he would just apply it. I like to think of him as my absent-minded professor. Colton loves to learn, and never forgets a fact. Colton also loves to play basketball. He is learning to play the drums this year in band, which has not been to bad, I am happy to report. He comes home with practice pads, which muffles the sound....bless whoever invented the pads!

Tyson is on his mission in the Houston Texas South Spanish Speaking mission. He left on February 21, 2007. He really had a great time in the MTC the 8 weeks he was there, and was called as a zone leader while he was there. He flew to Houston on April 24th, and has not had a single transfer the whole time he has been there. I guess that is pretty rare. He must really be needed where he is. He has had many baptisms. He finally got a new companion last month. He is really motivated to be the best missionary to ever live....and maybe he my opinion. His spanish is excellent, and he has alot of fun creating new ways to use it, to get a laugh out the people he is teaching. His personality is opening alot of doors for he and his companion. I will try to post part of his weekly emails, to keep everyone up to date.

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